Britney X

Apophenia III

by Gustavo Gomes • with Anna Süheyla Harms
Photo: Gustavo Gomes
FRI 09 JUNE • 17.00 P.M.
Dance • 20 min • Concert Hall
Apophenia is the (pathological) perception of signs and messages in the appearances of the world. It is considered a symptom of schizophrenia and it manifests as the brain need to find meanings from random patterns. Inspired by the apophenic processes of the brain, Apophenia III is focused on creating a parallel between reality and fantasy by showing body languages and actions that show the human needs for relationships. The vessel in which this work is manifested is through the reimagination of one of the most iconic ballets from the last 200 years, Giselle. In this 20 minutes solo, the performer Anna Süheyla Harms, reinterprets the Mad Dance, the last part of the 1st Act of the original ballet. While referencing the ballet, she goes through many stages of deception culminating in her sudden death.
By & with
Gustavo Gomes
Gustavo Gomes is a performer, choreographer, and filmmaker. With choreographic works presentedin venues and festivals such as Art Basel - Parcours, Ludwig Museum, M Leuven Museum, Tanzfaktur, Wallraff-Richartz-Museum, Hellerau, KOLUMBA, Watou Art Festival, VRHAM Festival, Quartier am Hafen and others. Gomes’ approach is in the investigation of speech though dance as well as the incorporation of body into the new thresholds of theatre. His films creates a dialog between framed image, rituals and the metaphysics of representation. Presenting films in prestigious galleries such as Xavier Hufkens in collaboration with visual artist Esther Kläs and at the Brussels Independent Film Festival, his works dialog between video, performance and visual arts.
Direction & Choreographie: Gustavo Gomes • Performance: Anna Süheyla Harms • Music: Ulysse Zangs
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