
with Jakob Augstein
In a regular series of talks, Jakob Augstein discusses themes of the present as well as the future with artists, politicians, scientists, and experts. With one guest at the time, Augstein picks up current debates, spirit of times alongside far-fetched topics. Since 2008, Jakob Augstein is publisher and since 2013 editor in chief. He studied political science, German studies and theatre science in Paris and Berlin, and worked for the newspapers »Berliner Zeitung«, »Süddeutsche Zeitung« and »DIE ZEIT«. From 2011 until 2018, he wrote the »Spiegel Online«- column »S.P.O.N. – Im Zweifel links« and can be seen on the Phoenix channel in AUGSTEIN UND BLOME. In his columns and TV programs, he writes and discusses about digitalisation, panama and paradise papers, sexism, poverty in old age, education and Europe politics, about the feeling which we connect with »home«.
Jakob Augstein meets Daniel Kehlmann
Jakob Augstein meets Deborah Feldman
Jakob Augstein meets Madame Nielsen
Jakob Augstein meets Reyhan Şahin
Jakob Augstein meets Aleida Assmann
Jakob Augstein meets Markus Gabriel
Jakob Augstein meets Milo Rau
Jakob Augstein meets Pauline Brünger