

POLYLUX is the youth club of Schauspiel Köln for everyone aged between 14 and 18 being interested in making new experiences. Here, nothing is too holy, no idea too weird and everything is tried out. The participation is free of charge. Pre-experiences in acting are no prerequisite.

In this season, POLYLUX is dealing in its own piece development under the working title IN CHARGE with the theme »POWER«. It is something, that everyone of us knows and feels. What is power? Is it something good? Or rather something bad? Is it in our nature to strive for power? How does the misuse of power emerge? With you, we want to discover this theme anew, try it out and want to become more confident together.

Premiere: 20 May 2021, Kulturbunker Mühlheim
Direction: Ana Valeria Gonzalez (director, theatre pedagogue) & Felipe Gonzalez (choreographer, dacner)

For any kind of questions, please message directly: anavaleriagonzalez@gmx.net

Norway.Today episodes 1-16
episode 1 - performance in July
episode 2 - the decision
episode 3 - performance in June
episode 4 - what you think is, is not.
episode 5 - beginners

episode 6 - what is reason?
episode 7 - silence
episode 8 - in the face of death
episode 9 - once only
episode 10 - pimple
episode 11 - the light
episode 12 - emotions, go!
episode 13 - the end of the world comes at dawn
episode 14 - sure, babe!
episode 15 - Death of an angel
episode 16 - today, I am happy
Movie »What do you expect from life?«